Monday, June 15, 2009

Work from the soul, not from the ego

From 2-5 June, I had the pleasure to attend the Global Forum on Freedom of Expression in Oslo, Norway. It was very informative, useful and most of all extremely inspiring. Especially the session 'Silencing Women's Voices' with Lydia Cacho, Philo Ikonya, Irshad Manji and Malalai Yoga on the panel, roused in me a sense of urgency to go out and change the world. It is people like this we need in this world. Especially us women need role models like these. Lydia Cacho concluded by urging us all to work from the soul, to keep on fighting for what we believe in.

Hilarious! This woman is so courageous. A true example for women (and men!) all over the world.

What a shock when I saw myself! See after 7 minutes.

1 comment:

Tommy said...

You are already changing the world, by being who you are :-)