Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Why do you do what you do? Part three

Several weeks a go, I participated in a two-day workshop organized by the Indonesian Community for Democracy (Komunitas Indonesia untuk Demokrasi - KID) with people all working in the field of social change or development aid. In short, people that want to make a difference somehow. So I asked them WHY they do what they do. And this is the result:

 "I am doing what I am to do"

 "Because I have a dream"

"Because I want to be meaningful"

"Because I already Kecemplung"
(Because I'm already splashed)

"Because I want to explore the world, but keep close with my children"

"Karena saya senang melihat kerukunan, kerja sama dan melipir" 
(Because I like to see harmony, cooperation and quietly sneak off) 

"Because there 're limited choices 4 me"

"Cos I'm a human"

"Menarik dan selalu memiliki tantangan" 
(Because it's interesting and challenging)

"I want to change & .... ?"

"Karena saya memiliki mimpi" 
(Because I have a dream)

"I really be a listener + many issues + money + freedom / so many time I have 212"

1 comment:

diartokop said...

Thank you Amis. It was a great momment to probe something deeply.
