Sunday, June 29, 2008


Before heading off to Mexico, I decided to take a good look around and began to wonder: "What's so special about Amsterdam?". Well, I suppose it's its calmness even when it's crowded. On my way to work I noticed the beauty of the sunlight relfecting in the ij; seems peaceful.. In fact people where running around me trying to catch trains and ferries. And then a Sunday afternoon at the Westerpark; people everywhere and still... a great place to be alone with your mind. I do love Amsterdam.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Felt like a farmer

Yesterday, me and my colleagues had a day off to gain some refreshed energy in the Dutch countryside. Some went to make cheese and others did farmer's sports. After being worked by high social pressure, I joint the latter group. Even though I still have a slight muscle ache, it was certainly worthwhile. Actually the countryside is really beautiful; the grass is green, it's quiet and the the sun even came out every now and then. The best part of course was hanging out with my colleagues.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Indonesian sunset

Coffee, clove sigarettes and a bit of jazz
that's what I long for
while the Bandung breeze
whispers in my ears
soft Sundanese sounds
like song

My love for Indonesia still has not ceased, better yet it rises to new levels everytime I visit this country. It's in my vains... I was given a compilation of poems by Mr YL Chong ( and was inspired. Why not share my poems with the world? Well, I'm giving it a try...

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Kuala Lumpur

The pas two days, I've participated in the Asia New Media Forum, organised by Free Voice partner SEACEM. It was jampacked with inspiring stories of courageous journalists and creative IT guys, trying to match both worlds.

If only the average Dutch citizen would feel somewhat more responsible for what's going on in society... Check out:, it's one of Singapore's few critical newssites, run by a handful of devoted volunteers. Keep up the good work, guys!

And then, my view from the Shah Village Hotel:

Monday, June 2, 2008

My girls

This post I want to dedicate to my girlfriends. Thank you for all the good and the lesser times we share hehe.. Below are some pictures of favorite girls in the whole wide world. But let's not forget my friends in Bangkok, Honolulu, Oslo, Leiden and those in Amsterdam not depicted here - you know who you are...

Chulah's farewell party, we'll miss you!

Chulah wants to kill me, since I am continuously coughing.. ;)

Emma, the Cosmo girl

With Emma and Marise, always rockin' it